At its meeting on Thursday, October 20, 2022, the Tech Terrace UNIT Neighborhood Association adopted the following resolutions:
1. The Association opposes any changes in zoning by the City of Lubbock to property within the geographical boundaries of the Neighborhood that would not be supportive of the Association’s long-term goals of restoring, and maintaining, property zoning designations that are primarily single-family residences within the Neighborhood.
2. The Association specifically opposes changes in zoning designations within the Neighborhood which would allow the construction and operation of high density residential facilities.
3. The Association strongly supports the City of Lubbock’s current, long-term adopted plans and goals (Plan Lubbock 2040), that support future property zoning designations within the Neighborhood in a manner that protects, and supports, the values of a strong family-oriented neighborhood of primarily R-1 (low density residential) zoning designations.
4. The Association also supports the City of Lubbock’s current, long-term adopted plans and goals which provide zoning designations that would allow and foster local retail and short-term visitor housing which would complement and support the Neighborhood and Texas Tech.
5. The Association authorizes its Board of Directors and authorized representatives to provide and advocate official positions to the City in support of these established positions — especially in any forums in which zoning changes are proposed which are not in line with the Association’s long-term goals expressed in this resolution.
Adopted on the 20th day of October, 2022.
At its meeting on Thursday, October 20, 2022, the Tech Terrace UNIT Neighborhood Association adopted the following resolutions:
1. The Association opposes any changes in zoning by the City of Lubbock to property within the geographical boundaries of the Neighborhood that would not be supportive of the Association’s long-term goals of restoring, and maintaining, property zoning designations that are primarily single-family residences within the Neighborhood.
2. The Association specifically opposes changes in zoning designations within the Neighborhood which would allow the construction and operation of high density residential facilities.
3. The Association strongly supports the City of Lubbock’s current, long-term adopted plans and goals (Plan Lubbock 2040), that support future property zoning designations within the Neighborhood in a manner that protects, and supports, the values of a strong family-oriented neighborhood of primarily R-1 (low density residential) zoning designations.
4. The Association also supports the City of Lubbock’s current, long-term adopted plans and goals which provide zoning designations that would allow and foster local retail and short-term visitor housing which would complement and support the Neighborhood and Texas Tech.
5. The Association authorizes its Board of Directors and authorized representatives to provide and advocate official positions to the City in support of these established positions — especially in any forums in which zoning changes are proposed which are not in line with the Association’s long-term goals expressed in this resolution.
Adopted on the 20th day of October, 2022.
Information about Proposed Student Housing Project
Click below for more information about the proposed project for the Godbold properties (on 19th Street between University and Boston — “Cafe J”, adjoining buildings and parking lots including 20th st parking lot) and the proposed pending zoning change and how it will impact the UNIT.
Updates will be made as soon as possible, so check back here for additional information.
On November 3, 2022, the Planning and Zoning Commission voted 6-3 not to recommend this zone change.
The applicant withdrew their case prior to the November 16th City Council meeting.
A new case, #3471-C, has been filed and will be heard at the Planning & Zoning meeting Thursday, February 2nd, 2023, 6:00pm
Updates will be made as soon as possible, so check back here for additional information.
On November 3, 2022, the Planning and Zoning Commission voted 6-3 not to recommend this zone change.
The applicant withdrew their case prior to the November 16th City Council meeting.
A new case, #3471-C, has been filed and will be heard at the Planning & Zoning meeting Thursday, February 2nd, 2023, 6:00pm
New zoning request PD/CA , PD/A-1 click on below for detail
CURRENT ZONING - red outline is the area under consideration